
Why Math is Difficult For Many Students (And How to Make it Easier And Interesting)

If you ask a hundred students about the most difficult subject, probably the most common answer will be math. It’s true that for many of us struggling with it, math can become interesting and easy, with the right math tutor online.

Before we jump into the solution, it’s worth understanding the most common challenges with math. The major reason why math seems difficult are problems in understanding the subject matter and teacher or instructional related factors. 

The problem with instructions for some students is why some parents choose to hire private math tutors or find math help online for their children. 

Common Challenges with Math Faced by Students

Some of the primary reasons why students struggle with math can be because of the following reasons.

Fumbling With Basics: As with any skill, it becomes imperative for students to master the basics of the subject. In primary school, students learn basic mathematical skills like addition and subtraction. They build on this in middle school and advance them through the basics of algebra and geometry, and mensuration. 

By high school, students are expected to be proficient with the skills they learned in the previous classes. This can be a challenge for some students as they did not have a chance to master the basic concepts.

Cumulative Learning: math is a cumulative subject. It is built with a concept stacking on top of another concept. So, by not mastering a foundational skill, they miss out on other concepts. This can snowball into them not having the knowledge, skills or enough practice to advance in their classes.

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Ineffective Teaching Approach: math is a very unforgiving subject as it has only one correct answer. Sometimes the school teaches the students to derive a solution in one particular way and don’t accept any other methods of solving questions. This is one of the main reasons why students find it hard to learn math.

Not Enough Practice: Teachers often cover an extensive syllabus in a short span of time. They may not give sufficient time to students to practice a concept. This can result in students who do not have enough time to understand a concept. This can also translate to them not having enough practice to master a concept. 

Rote Learning vs Understanding: Sometimes, students know what steps to take without understanding a concept or why they do the steps. This gap in understanding is why some students make mistakes. For the student to avoid making mistakes that are easy to correct, they need to have conceptual clarity on what they learn.

How to Make Math Easy And Interesting

It is simply not enough to identify where the gaps in learning come into play. We also need to know what steps we can take to rectify the issues they have. The following are a few measures you can take to course correct.

Mastering Basics

If you are a student who struggles with math, there is no better solution than going back to basics. You will need concept knowledge to make sure you can catch up to your current classes.

Suppose you want to make the process easier. Go back to the math textbook of your previous standards. Make a list of topics covered on the content page. Use this list as a benchmark for seeing which concepts you understand and which need more attention. 

In order to study the concept where you are weak, you can approach it one of two ways. You can choose to use free resources from YouTube for math homework help. YouTube is also an excellent resource for videos related to the topics on your list. Be sure to follow this up with practice sheets pulled from math homework help online sites. 

The second way you can master concepts is much easier. Hire a private math tutor online or go to math coaching classes. A teacher would be a better recommendation because they offer personalized help with your studies. A good math tutor brings brilliant career opportunities.

Practice Makes Perfect

Being good at math is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. There is no way around it. The next step to improving your math skills is to practice. 

Remember, you need to be intentional with your practice. You need to know which topic you’re practicing and keep doing it till you are sure you have mastered the concepts. Don’t worry about your marks in the beginning. What matters is to keep practicing. 

It would also help if you had a separate notebook where you noted down any questions you had difficulty with. If you decide to hire a math tutor, you can go over the difficult questions with the tutor. 

After this, find similar questions and solve them until you master the concepts. 

Hire a Good Online Math Tutor

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A crucial element to getting better with math is to find the right tutor. With an math tutor online, you can choose to study under someone who can cater to your style of learning. They can offer better clarity on fundamental concepts and increase your learning accuracy and proficiency.

It takes a few lessons and some practice  to make sure you understand a concept. Your private math tutor can work one on one with you to help you learn not just the current topic but also the basics you will need to understand your current topic. They can identify gaps in your knowledge and work on building your independent problem solving skills.

With a bonus skill of flexibility, you can learn at your own pace.

Does this mean tutors are only for students who are struggling? 

No! If you do well in school, you should still hire a math tutor because they can help boost your marks in a short span of time. If you have a math teacher who can explain even the subtle nuance of a concept, it can change your understanding of a topic. 

A good tutor can leave you with an understanding of a concept that lasts all your life. Teachers are essential for helping you have a stellar academic record that will open doors to you going to good colleges and having good jobs.